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evolving commerce for your business.


Reuben Digital excels at responding to business roadblocks with digital solutions that drive results.

Our bespoke business solutions are the result of detailed consultancy work which define the digital specification that will resolve the business need.

This is all about business automation, where data, systems and integrations working in harmony so that transactions happen without a hitch and you have the right tech to transform your business.

But, importantly, all with clarity of purpose. Using rapid problem solving and our expertise in mapping business processes, working directly with our you to rapidly design and prototype solutions, cutting lengthy project scoping stages from months to a few weeks.

We provide:

  • Advanced eCommerce and e-CRM solution development
  • Systems integration
  • Advanced API development and implementation services
  • Bespoke web-centric business applications
  • Detailed solutions specifications / UX design and testing


Explore our case studies to how ideas become reality.

"Reuben's e-CRM strategy for National Book Tokens is designed to engage customers and generate sales... as soon as a user signs up to our website, Reuben's automated communication strategy kicks in... boosted by a host of competitions promoted via the regular mailings."
National Book Tokens

Get in touch and find out how Reuben Digital can transform your business.

Reuben Digital. Be Good. Do Good.